Secure and Transparent Transactions in Digital Banking with Amazon QLDB

Imagine a world where banks, businesses, and customers can all verify the accuracy and history of financial transactions with ease. This vision becomes a reality with Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (OLDB). Here’s how QLDB can revolutionize digital banking: Immutable Audit Trail Unlike traditional databases, QLDB maintains an immutable audit trail, a permanent and tamper-proof record of […]

AWS PCI Compliance Guide

AWS PCI Compliance Guide Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the main providers of services in the cloud published in April 2020 the document « Guide to compliance with PCI DSS v3.2.1 » (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 3.2 .1 on AWS – Compliance Guide). This document describes different concepts from the perspective of identifying scope, management […]